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Welcome to the Institute of Internal Auditors New Zealand, the professional body for internal auditing
The Institute of Internal Auditors New Zealand (IIA NZ) is a member-led organisation that draws on the skills and knowledge of our members in the private and public sectors across the country. We've been established in New Zealand since 1986.
Internal Audit professionals are widely recognised, respected, trusted and valued as the leading providers of assurance and advice on risk management, internal control and governance for the benefit of organisations and their stakeholders.
We are committed to achieving progress through sharing best practices and contributing to the global development of our profession.
Our underlying values are
Our 2023 Annual Report details our strategic intentions and results. Among our activities we:
The IIA NZ strategic objectives build on past work and provides a clear focus to achieve our vision.
A key driver of these objectives is to gain universal recognition of internal auditing as a profession. Our guiding principles are to:
You can download the IIA NZ Constitution and By-Laws here:
On 5 October 2023, the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 came into force, modernising how societies operate. Existing societies must reregister under this Act to remain incorporated, with the deadline being 5 April 2026. To help you understand these changes and their impact, IIA NZ established a Constitution and Policy Committee in 2023 to review our Constitution and By Laws.
The revised IIA NZ Constitution will be released to all members in late September. We’ll be hosting two member-only online workshops to address any questions. The review period will run from 1 October to 1 December, ensuring we're prepared with a final version for submission at the AGM on 21 May 2025.
We invite all members to join us at these workshops to gain a comprehensive understanding of the new requirements and participate in the review process. To book onto a workshop please go to the IIA NZ Events Calendar.