19-20 November 2019 | Wellington


Risk & Audit Officer for Spark New Zealand

Agile: a new mindset shift that drives clearer outcomes, increased engagement, and improved documentation to deliver valuable, timely results

Passionate about influencing business outcomes, I have been leading the Risk, Internal Audit and Fraud functions since 2013. In that time, our Team have used innovation and close relationships with the Leadership Team and the Spark Board members (who sit on the Audit and Risk Management Committee) to improve the level of assurance these stakeholders have about Spark's principal business risks and the effectiveness of the internal control environment.

Key results we are working toward this year include: 1) Using Agile delivery techniques to improve the productivity and focus; 2) Rolling out best in class risk management and business continuity frameworks; and 3) Expanding our fraud focus to assuring adherence with behavioural policies like the Code of Ethics and other essential policies.

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ComplyWithWalters Kluwer


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