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Event Details


ACFE Christchurch March Event

13 March 2025
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Level 4,
151 Cambridge Terrace,
Delivery Method

ACFE Christchurch March Event - Behind the Screens: How Police Fight Cyber Crime and Fraud


  • When: 13 March 2025, 4:30pm
  • Where: Deloitte, Christchurch

We are delighted to have Detective Sargent of the High Tech Crime Group, Chris Adcock presenting to us about his time working within the NZ Police.

Chris will be sharing a wide range of experiences and insights which will include a range of topics such as Cryptocurrency, AML and the link between employee theft and internal data theft. Relevant and interactive case studies will bring these topics to life.

We intend this event to be interactive and encourage you to ask questions along the way and time will be allowed for Q&A at the end of the presentation.

We are pleased to be able to offer this event as both online and in person to our ACFE members across New Zealand.

This event starts from 4.30pm with networking and nibbles with the presentation to commence at 5pm. For online attendees, the presentation will run approximately between 5pm and 6pm.

A link for online attendance will be emailed to registrants who have opted to attend online a few days prior to the event.

For non ACFE members who wish to attend with a member a guest fee of $25 will apply.

We look forward to welcoming you to what will be a very interesting and informative event

RSVP directly to by 10 March - melisswilson@deloitte.co.nz

Non ACFE members (IIA NZ members) can attend this event for a $25 registration fee. If you are not an ACFE member, then please register directly to melisswilson@deloitte.co.nz

We look forward to welcoming our guests, for what promises to be a very interesting and informative event.

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